Welcome to my personal blog

I try to create my blog to share with more person who interest in biology speciaally.

We know how  biology be unique if we can undestand to accepted it… but biology can make our confouse if we dont know how to undestand. Learning and teaching biolgy important to know by teacher and learner.

Why is it important to undestand?
one answer could be that find methode to help how biology easy to learn , easy to teach maybe would be interest to discuss by us

Perhaps today too much time is focus on strategy and system on the structure of the curiculum, insstead of on how quality learning happens.

The blog would not have been completed without helping and suport of many leaners, teacher and everybody have interested on that case. So we invite you to share your thought in my blog.



Endah Sulistyowati

Comments on: "WELCOME" (13)

  1. bagus mbak, apalagi jika semua halaman sdh terisi, kami terbantu sekali sebagai pengajar .
    Bhs inggrisnya jagan banyak 2 sih

  2. Hallo, makasih dah berkunjung, sebenernya saya juga kurang faham cara design wordpress karena saya lebih banyak berkecimpung di blogspot (http://tips-ofblog.blogspot.com)
    Saya memakai wordpress karena hanya memasukkan tugas2 yang saya tempuh saat kuliah. Designya juga sudah tersedia tinggal nambah2 aja seperti gambar, dan element2 lainnya yang sudah disediakan di admin saat kita register di wordpress. Templatenya juga sudah tersedia semua. Saya memakai template Theme: Digg 3 Column.


  3. Mbak Endah ya? Makasih buat halaman SISTEM DIGESTI PADA HEWAN RUMINANSIA-nya. Aku save buat tugasku di pendidikan biologi Unsil Tasikmalaya semester 4 matkul struktur hewan. Makasih bgt Mbak. Jangan lupa kunjungi blogku ya mbak (http://moslegraph.blogspot.com)!!??

  4. biologi mambuatku hdp

  5. agustinus bambang s said:

    bu bahasa inggrisnya sudah bagus, hanya perlu sedikit perhatian untuk grammarnya. maaf sekedar saran

  6. Great post, thanks!
    Отличный постб спасибо!

    Сумерки 3

  7. Nice and usefull note

  8. nice design!= and greate news

  9. realy good information

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